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Beth Dranoff
Nov 19, 20182 min read
The Dreaded Outline
I hate detailed outlines. There, I said it. Yes, I understand the need to know exactly what’s going to happen in my book. Yes, I get that...
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Beth Dranoff
Nov 19, 20182 min read
On Procrastination & Writing
I am a master of procrastination. I am also a writer. I know – I shouldn’t be admitting this. Not in public. But we’re all friends here,...
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Beth Dranoff
Aug 13, 20181 min read
Day 4: The Mirror of Her Dreams by Stephen R. Donaldson
Also, I guess, its sequel: A Man Rides Through. Fantasy. A woman from an affluent family drifts through life unnoticed and unwanted by...
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Beth Dranoff
Aug 12, 20181 min read
Day 3: The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery
Yes, that L.M. Montgomery. Fiction, but with a magical quality to it. Story of a woman in her late 20's in the Muskokas who leads a...
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Beth Dranoff
Aug 12, 20181 min read
Day 2: The Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee
Sci-fi/fantasy. Eases you into the story of this privileged 16 year old girl living cluelessly in a dystopian world until something...
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Beth Dranoff
Aug 12, 20181 min read
Day 1: Bitten by Kelley Armstrong
Not to be confused with the TV show, which proved one should never watch a series based on a beloved book. Kick-ass female lead. First...
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Beth Dranoff
Aug 12, 20181 min read
7+7 Days of My Favourite Books (Backgrounder)
I was tagged by Rena Bunder Rossner followed by Melanie Fishbane to post about my favourite books and then tag other people to do the...
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